
香港教育大学 (The Education University of Hong Kong)



教大致力培育敏于思考、关怀社会及放眼世界的教育工作者及社会领袖,使之能够服务社区,推动变革。我们尤着重研究实力 — 积极促进研究发展,提升知识、学术及创新,务求对社会与人类发展,作出不懈的贡献。



The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) is a government-funded tertiary institution dedicated to the advancement of learning and teaching, through a diverse offering of academic and research programmes on teacher education, social sciences, science and humanities.

The University nurtures educators and social leaders who are intellectually active, socially caring, and globally aware, to become agents of change in the communities that they serve. It places great emphasis on research capability — its research will contribute to the advancement of knowledge, scholarship and innovation, with sustainable impact on social progress and human betterment.

EdUHK aims to be a leading university in the Asia Pacific region and beyond, with a focus on educational research, development and innovation.

If you have any questions regarding our international undergraduate admissions or programmes, please complete the enquiry form at and their staff will get back to you as soon as possible.


香港新界大埔露屏路十号 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong


(852) 2948 7654

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